Village to Village Orphanage

Connect with a Child children’s homes are constructed in the form of small, vibrant communities.
The setting is representative of a familiar traditional dwelling .
The houses are positioned in clusters with all the essentials of any basic home in a developed country. The environment provide safe and open outdoor spaces with beautiful vegetation and plenty of space to live and play.
Connect with a Child Children’s homes consists of a house mother who cares for children.
Please consider supporting Connect With A Child children’s home and help secure a brighter future for the families and making a huge difference in their lives.
You can get involved with our orphanage at a larger scale. For in formation on how you can partner please get in touch

Small Acts Make a Difference
We focus on proclaiming the gospel and acts of compassion, caring for the body and soul.
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Connect with A Child focus on proclaiming the gospel and acts of compassion, meaning that we care for the bodies and souls of our brothers and sisters in Kenya.