Shoes for all

Wearing shoes helps prevent the spread of parasitic diseases that plague an estimated billion people worldwide, they are basic necessity. And the reality of lie for many individuals in impoverished parts of Africa, Asia, and South America is that shoes are a rarity.
As result of generosity of our friends from New Mexico without mentioning the specific group or person, we have been able to give 800 new shoes this year. Every time we get the opportunity to give out shoes, we are always amazed at the joy that is seen on this dear children’s face. It is for sure a big thing for them not to walk on the scorching sun heat with bare feet! Thank you friends.
“Shoes are the finishing touch on any outfit and it is important to complete a look with the perfect pair!”
Tracy Reese
For $15 you can give one shoes this Christmas to a child

Small Acts Make a Difference
We focus on proclaiming the gospel and acts of compassion, caring for the body and soul.
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Connect with A Child focus on proclaiming the gospel and acts of compassion, meaning that we care for the bodies and souls of our brothers and sisters in Kenya.