The Team

Tom Abungu

Brett and Evelyne SIrerack
US Executive Directors

Katie Cowden
Widows feeding

Shem Kofier
Hakuna Matata chiildren’s Choir director

Judith Akoth
Child sponsorship

Felix Auma
Communications and Logistics

Mike Ogolla
Marjorie Wendland High School Manager

Mitchell Donna
Connect with a child academy Manager

Board of Trustee USA

Bishop Tim Needham

Thomas and Coultor

Randy Stephanie Shults

Stephanie Niemi

Board of Directors

Rev. Mary Ranyinga

Rev. Phillip Mutuko

Mrs. Angeline Owino

Mr. Sylvester Oliech


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Connect with A Child focus on proclaiming the gospel and acts of compassion, meaning that we care for the bodies and souls of our brothers and sisters in Kenya.