a Project

If you’d like to support a project with your skills, resources or another kind of contribution, you can find projects seeking help. We are here seeking partnership with friends like you. You’ve chosen to make a difference. Thank you!

Village to Village Orphanage

Connect with a Child children’s homes are constructed in the form of small, vibrant communities we refer to as villages. The village setting is representative of a familiar traditional dwelling for many ethnic groups in Africa.

Building Schools Project

Since 2016, Connect With A Child decided to be involved in Building a high School in Siaya to help change the lives of hundreds of thousands of children across Kenya. With the help of many we have made progress.

Water Project

For the 1.1 billion people in the developing world who lack access to safe water supplies, water is a very precious commodity. Pure water is needed for drinking, irrigation for gardens, hygiene, food preparation and many other aspects of daily life.

Shoes For All

Wearing shoes helps prevent the spread of parasitic diseases that plague an estimated billion people worldwide, they are basic necessity. And the reality of lie for many individuals in impoverished parts of Africa, Asia, and South America is that shoes are a rarity.

Leaders at Work Conferences

If you want to change a community you start by changing the leadership. We organize leaders conferences with speakers from all over the world to train leaders who in return train other leaders and the ripple effect is felt grows bigger.

Medical Outreach

In Kenya especially rural areas and slams. Medical attention is a challenge due to few medical centers that they can afford. We encourage medical specialists to visit the communities and provide needed care including basic medical care, dental services, and minor surgery.

Small Acts Make a Difference

We focus on proclaiming the gospel and acts of compassion, caring for the body and soul.

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Connect with us

Connect with A Child focus on proclaiming the gospel and acts of compassion, meaning that we care for the bodies and souls of our brothers and sisters in Kenya.